Bridget Godess of the eternal flame, citrine with white lodolite with phantoms

  • 3 333 kr

Bridget Godess of the eternal flame This is a piece that is connected to Bridget. She is the holder of the eternal flame. She is connected to spring and fe

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Article Number: 950

Bridget Godess of the eternal flame 

This is a piece that is connected to Bridget. She is the holder of the eternal flame. She is connected to spring and fertility. 

She comes in through the veil between the worlds. She shows herself as a guardian of the eternal flame and of the higher realms of light. 

She holds a golden key in her hand, she tells me that this is a key to the golden chamber of light, your golden chamber. 

She wants to support you in starting anew with the golden light burning flame intensively shining in your soul. 

The citrine is very intense and clear, it wants to wrap you in golden light.

The white Lodolite phantom is amazing, it looks like golden light, shining and full of rainbows. Lodolite is also called the shaman crystal for support to travel in between the worlds.

This is a piece for you who wants to have Bridgid closely and her shining flame as support.