Rose quartz with champagne citrine

  • 3 333 kr

Higher love, divine love, divine joy and happiness, joy for the abundance of life. This is a piece that is full of a divine joy and a wish to bring you a h

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Article Number: 938

Higher love, divine love, divine joy and happiness, joy for the abundance of life. 

This is a piece that is full of a divine joy and a wish to bring you a higher love. She has been in the light portal in Rome so she has a a very high frequency, archangel Michael, Metatron and the third high archangel has touched her. There is a glow to her from the portal but also from her bubbly and happy energy. She was also created in the Pleiadian portal, the portal that was a support for us to take big steps on our personal elevation journey.

The rose quartz is strong and I can feel her heart beating. She is antsy to support you to be able to receive a higher love and to expand your heart even more.

 The citrine is a champagne citrine, the best quality there is. She is a “happy pill” and she wants to bring you happiness and give you sparkles of gold in your life.

This piece has high loving frequencies and she wants to elevate you to expand your heart to receive more joy and love in your life.